They tell that it is in open violation both of Ukrainian constitution and international law.
But truly, pursuant to international law what happen today in Crimea is perfectly legal and I will explain why.
The UN regulation provides the «STATE OF NECESSITY».
State of necessity, or plainly necessity, is a circumstance precluding the wrongfulness of an internationally wrongful act of State.
In our case, lawful shall be considered the Crimean referendum whether it is true that the new Government of Ukraine issued a law banning the Russian language as official language of the State in those regions inhabited by Russian speaking minority, punishing under criminal legislation those who own a double citizenship and it is true that in the new Government of Ukraine are really sitting members of far right parties, which would threaten an ethnic cleansing against Russian and other minorities of citizens.
By now, emerged from leaks that the Us has systematically violated the national sovereignty of Ukraine to unconstitutionally overthrow an elected government and install a far right regime that includes nazis.
It was the Us Ambassador in Kiev after all, who participated late last year in the leaked phone conversation with Victoria Nuland, the Us assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, in which the two officials discussed the need to upgrade the opposition movement in Ukraine into a new Government.
They agreed that the individual who has since been installed as prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, referred to as “Yats", had the experience to run the country.
The new Government allegedly brought up an active campaign to stir division, spewing anti-Jewish filth and threatening and beating up Russian-speaking Ukrainians and other minorities.
In one of its first acts, the new parliament eliminated language rights for Russian speakers.
If all this is true, as it seems (I personally saw the interview to leaders of Prava Sektor and it was horrendous), I am convinced that both referendum and Russian intervention in Crimea have a legitimacy under the international law and UN regulation.
No matter of what Us and Ue propaganda say.